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Liquid Silver Necklace Native American 18 Inch, 20 Strand

. $139.00
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"Exquisite 20-strand 18" liquid silver necklace, a shimmering masterpiece of Navajo craftsmanship."

Liquid silver jewellery is associated with the Native American culture, particularly among the Navajo people, who are known for their exquisite silverwork. While there isn't a specific Native American story or legend about liquid silver jewellery itself, the art of crafting silver jewellery , including liquid silver, is deeply rooted in Native American traditions and history.

Caring for liquid silver jewellery, also known as liquid silver, is essential to maintain its beauty and longevity. Liquid silver jewellery consists of many tiny silver tubes or beads strung together to create a fluid, flowing appearance. Here are some tips on how to care for liquid silver jewellery:

  1. Store Properly:

    • Store your liquid silver jewellery in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and humidity.

    • Use a jewellery box or a soft pouch to prevent scratching and tangling with other jewellery.

  2. Avoid Exposure:

    • Keep your liquid silver jewellery away from harsh chemicals, including household cleaning products, perfumes, lotions, and hairspray, as these can tarnish or damage the silver.

    • Remove your jewellery before swimming, bathing, or participating in activities that may expose it to water or chemicals.

  3. Cleaning:

    • Gently clean your liquid silver jewellery with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove dirt, oil, and tarnish. Silver polishing cloths or microfiber cloths work well.

    • Avoid abrasive materials or brushes that may scratch the silver.

  4. Tarnish Prevention:

    • To prevent tarnishing, store your liquid silver jewellery in a sealed, airtight container or a zip-lock bag. Add anti-tarnish strips or silica gel packets to absorb moisture and prevent tarnish.

  5. Polishing:

    • Liquid silver jewellery may develop tarnish over time due to exposure to air and natural oxidation. To remove tarnish, you can use a silver polishing cloth or a specialized silver polish. Be gentle and don't rub too vigorously, as this can damage the fine silver tubes.

  6. Be Gentle:

    • Liquid silver jewellery is delicate, so handle it with care. Avoid pulling or tugging on the strands, which could cause them to kink or break.

  7. Restringing:

    • If you notice any strands that have become damaged or broken, it's advisable to have them professionally restrung by a jeweler experienced in working with liquid silver.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your liquid silver jewellery maintains its shine and beauty for years to come. Regular cleaning and proper storage are key to preserving the lustrous appearance of your jewellery.

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